Jaden talking he is saying huh and of course da-da, so cute he just jabbers all the time.
Now for the more important pictures and updates, the GRANDBABIES!!!!
Oh my heck, we are having the time of our life, a few weeks back Mike and I were able to babysit Jaden for the weekend and Ryan brought Danica over for the evening and we had a BLAST!!
I love this picture of their two little hands, aren't they precious?
Yes, Jaden is standing and even trying to take a few steps, my bet is he will be walking before his first birthday.
Danica is such a Daddys girl,she was busy being noisy in this picture cause Mike and Jaden were down on the driveway throwing the ball for Chance and she was watching their every move.hahah
Then it was dinner time and Danica had finished her Peas but had decided that what Jaden was eating was much more interesting.......
Here's Uncle Ryan - Daddy Ryan holding the babies, Jaden just cracked Ryan up. I can only imagine that Jaden and Danica will grow up being best BUDDIES!!
Ryan and Grandpa thought it would be fun to test the water in the spa out, Jaden is our little fish he loves the water so Grandpa and Jaden got suited up and in they go...
Here's Jaden showing Cousin Danica how to use the controls on the Spa..
Oops, Jaden got a little to bossy for Danica and he really ticked her off by grabbing her hand and taking it off the controls. So don't you think Christmas is going to be a blast.hahahah
So everyone got dried off and settled down and we came inside, Jaden decided that he needed to rock Danica,so he got on the back of her bouncer seat and was just shaking her like there was no tomorrow and Danica just loved it and Jaden thought he was doing something really funny.
Then he walked around to the front of the bouncer to make sure Danica was ok, it was so sweet. Needless to say we had such a great weekend, and cherished every minute with these two sweet,sweet babies. I can't believe how fast they grow up...
On a totally different subject, this past Thursday June 26, 2008 was Dads 72nd birthday, and I can't let the day go by, without recognizing a truly great person in my life. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. You know people say it gets easier with time but I'm not sure that I believe it, it seems like I miss him more today than I did a year ago. It's such a void in my life, Dad was my biggest cheerleader, he believed in me and told me often I could do doing anything I set my mind to and he was always telling me how pretty I was. I miss my holiday hugs and kisses (he would always come up to my house on any holiday and give me a hug and a kiss and say I love you!) You are such an inspiration to us all Dad and we miss you and love you!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
This picture is so amazing to me, I just love Jadens expression. He is so amazed at Danica, he loves to watch, touch and smile at her. I can't wait to see these two grow up together.
We had the most incredible Easter ever. It was so enjoyable. Having all the family together and enjoying each others company and good food. Of course having the babies made it over the top. I never knew how much little children can totally make your life different. We celebrated Easter on Saturday, just because it's esier for everyone to get in all the family gatherings and things. Mike was on duty but he was able to come to our home with his fellow firefighters and have dinner with us and spend time with the little ones. We colored Easter eggs, had a video of Fox and the Hound and then Shrek 3 playing in the back ground and just all sat around the table and visited and passed the babies around. It was everything we would have wanted and more. There is always a part of my heart hurting at holidays with the absent of my Dad, but I do know that he would have love it as much as we did and he was looking down on us with a smile. We hope each and everyone of you had a blessed Easter!!!