This post has pictures from the time we arrived at the Beach house till the rehearsal dinner.


It was so much fun watching the kids on the beach, the water was a little cold for them but they enjoyed the sand.

Their Daddies decided to show them how to build sand castles...
They now have it figured out..
Ryan taking Danica for a stroll on the beach, it's the sweetest picture.
Here is all the guys going in for a swim, they acutally stayed out there playing football and frisbee for a long time. On Friday morning, I even went swimming in the ocean along with Melanie,Ken,Susan,Mike,Ryan, David and Branden, oh my gosh it was a blast we attempted to boogey board (that was a whole another story) hahaha. But we had a Great time..
The girls just hanging out in the water.
Jamie the bestman giving Branden some advise.

Jaden and I just chillin eating some Doritos, if you click on the photo and blow it up Jaden has the cutest expression on his face.
David (our nephew) and Ryan resting on the rocks talking about who knows what.
The view again from where we stayed.
Jen chasing Jaden, he was so much fun to watch, he had a blast just running up and down the beach.
The photos above of our family, with my cousins from California (Lynn & Candace) they came by to visit. We had such a fun time with them.
Little Danica chasing cousing Jaden down to give him a hug. They were so cute together playing and giving each other loves.
Ryan and Hannah visiting with Grandpa and Grandma Peters.
To have this much energy, they were constantly running and having a blast.
The fearless four, the four of us actually doubled dated 32 years ago, to get Mike and I together. Mike and Ken were best friends. And from there we have been together ever since.


Jaden and I just chillin eating some Doritos, if you click on the photo and blow it up Jaden has the cutest expression on his face.

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