Our family is growing once again we were blessed with yet another little boy Dallas Michael Peters July 27, 2010. He is such a precious little guy, he has such a sweet little personality doesn't really cry, he more like growls or grunts he is so funny. His big sister (Danica) is warming up to the idea that he's not leaving, so she helps with the feeding and talks to him. If I'm holding him she will tell me that he wants Mommy to hold him hahaha so that I can then hold her. Boy these kids are so darn smart!
Here is Danica being introduced to her new brother.

Now she's thinking about this whole deal, not sure if she is happy about it yet.

Daddy and son!!

Danica decided she needed to put some gloves on if she was going to hold her brother. lol

Okay all gloved and ready to hold him.

The proud Grandparents!!!

The proud Great Grandma Reddix!!