Here's the proud grandparents, Papa Mike is already telling Jaden stories, Mike calls him "My little Buddy", and as for me (Gramie) the next day I went to the hospital and held him for 5 hours, fed him twice and changed a dirty diaper. It was a BLAST!!

Here's the HAPPY parents, don't they look so good and so excited!!!! They are so cute with Jaden, they act like they're old pros...Branden is doing great at changing diapers and dressing Jaden. And Jen is such a good Mommy, she just loves watching Jaden.

Isn't he the cutest ever?? Jaden was born Aug 12, 2007 at 4:16 pm. He weighed 7 lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long. He is doing great, he eats well and all body functions are working. Mommy and Daddy are both doing really good, just loving little Jaden to death. He makes the cutest little movements with his lips that you can actually sit and just watch him for hours..
Congrats on the new family member! He is so beautiful and it is so neat to see how Branden and Jen looked at their baby. You could feel the LOVE!
Congratulations to the new Mommy & Daddy! What a sweet little Son you have. He is so precious! Congrats to the new Gramie & Papa! Have a wondrous time in this new season of your life. You are Blessed!
Ken & Susan
Congratulations on becoming Grandparents. Jaden is a beautiful baby boy. How excting to see your baby become a daddy! keep us posted on what is going on and adding new pictures.
Michelle, Daniel and Baby Zak
We wanted to add our congratulations! Jaden is very cute, and everyone looks so happy. We're glad he's finally here and everyone is doing well.
Megann and Dustin Heath
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