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Jadens a week old

I went down this week to visit Jaden, and I had a blast. I fed him, changed him, held him and tried to keep him awake, but as you can tell I wasn't very successful with that. Then later on in the evening I gave him his nightly bath, he wasn't happy about that at all. Then I dressed him for bed and soaked him in lotion and he smelled so sweet. I love every minute of being his Grammie. Papa Mike is in Montana fighting a fire, he's been gone a week now. He took a picture of his "Little Buddy" and hung it up in his tent. He called the other night to check on Jaden and said that he talks to him every night, tells him to be good for his Mommy and Daddy. And that he can't wait to get home to see him. 
How about my hairdo?? He has so much hair and it's so long and fun to comb. I'm sure his Daddy will be putting some gel in it very soon. hahaha
Here's Jaden just taking it easy in his bouncer seat. He's so cute!!!
He's so cute!! I love all the hair! Mine never had hair. You forget how tiny they are! But it never lasts long!
It is amazing how much love you can have for something so tiny! He is adorable!
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